300 grams of palm sugar
150 grams of Turmeric
300 grams Sinom leaves or tamarind leaves are still young
150 grams of tamarind fruit
1 tablespoon Salt
Enough water, to boil
How to make :
1.Separate the sinom leaves from the leaf stems, set aside
2.Slice turmeric into several parts, set aside
3.Comb the brown sugar, set aside
4.Radiating tamarind
5.Prepare a saucepan, add water and cook until it boils
6.After boiling, add sinom leaves, turmeric, brown sugar, tamarind, and salt. While stirring
7.Sinom ice is ready to be served
How to make sinom ice
Sinom is a term for young tamarind leaves, which can produce fresh drinks that have many benefits. This drink is a typical drink from the city of Surabaya.
first separate the sinom leaves from the leaf stems then set aside, wash the sinom leaves thoroughly, slice turmeric into several pieces, set aside
then Comb the brown sugar, after that Sprinkle tamarind.Prepare the pan, enter the water and cook until boiling.After boiling, enter the sinom leaves, turmeric, brown sugar, tamarind, and salt. While stirring
After the spices boil, remove from the stove and wait for it to cool. Strain into a glass or bottle.
serve sinom with ice
■Differences :
Procedure text is text that contains the objectives and steps to carry out an activity so that the activity will succeed. With the procedure text it is hoped that the reader will understand in detail how to do things.
Explanation text is text that describes the process of an event or describes a situation. Explanation texts tell a fact of events and scientifically express them. The explanatory text is not intended to influence the reader's opinion, but only to provide information.
The similarity is the text that explains "how" something can happen. There are facts in both texts. The so-called facts in the scientific or scientific sense. Both texts are not used to influence readers by the opinions expressed by the author.
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